DEHERO A New NFT Project By MixMarvel

crypto invest
7 min readJul 24, 2021


The decentrality of blockchain has offered numerous financial chances a normal man wouldn’t have had in the ordinary central financial set up. From decentralized getting and lending platform where limited scope businesses can approach credits without going through the banks and lenders regulating a great yearly rate yield on their capitals contrast with the centralized banks rates, to community driven projects like dogecoin giving financial backers a mouth watering profit from their venture, blockchain technology and cryptographic money is indeed a game transformer in the financial foundation.

There have been different utilizations of blockchain technology both to horticulture, sport, lodging, banking and in any event, gaming, DeHero gaming platform is utilizing the blockchain and cryptocurrency to give gamers a financial return for doing what at first is only their diversion.

The point of blockchain is to disrupt the current centrality in the financial set up that has seen some arrangement of individuals marginalized through negative approaches and provide a leveled playground for everybody and DeHero is just about satisfying that goal as its platform hopes to enhance the pocket of game darlings.

The gaming industry has evolved from ground level. Those of us who are old enough to remember playing Super Mario on a 16-bit gaming console know how this simplistic gaming industry has now evolved into a virtual reality game that rewards precision and planning.

The gaming business has developed from ground level. Those of us who are mature enough to recollect playing Super Mario on a 16-cycle gaming console know how this oversimplified gaming industry has now developed into an augmented experience game that rewards accuracy and arranging.

The greater part of these games are streamed on the web and players utilize virtual resources like true assets to accomplish explicit objectives and build up their predominance. Gaming is rapidly turning into a world game. It is a $ 173 Billion industry in 2020. As the business develops, new issues have arisen. The vast majority of these issues are an absence of straightforwardness and trust between game engineers and players.

The games frequently have an economy inside them. This economy is totally constrained by the designers. Clients likewise need reasonableness and straightforwardness with regards to exchanges and responsibility for.

The convergence of blockchain and gaming is a fascinating existence where exact the truth is conceivable in a virtual world. With progresses in VR, this world is bound to be much more coordinated with genuine experience than we can envision at the present time.

We are seeing an insurgency in gaming and blockchain. Consolidated, they will make an environment that works flawlessly, making blockchain the undetectable part behind the scenes.


The gaming area is a quickly developing area of the world’s economy with versatile gaming alone representing 20% of the game area year on year development making it the quickest developing area of the portable industries.

Distributers of game as of late in light of the prevalence the gaming refrain is acquiring has developed different method for creating income, for example, players buying in application instruments like firearms, swords, vehicles to upgrade their gaming experience while paying with genuine cash for the virtual resources or through the ads area where developers advertise a paid product, however there have not been a motivating force structures for game players to procure while messing around.

DeHero gaming platform is changing that viewpoint by permitting users to change over acquired digital resources on the gaming platform into genuine value by means of exchanges.

Resources earned like the administration token “Saints”, or non fungible tokens (NFTs) that can be acquired through the obtaining of card packs boxes, can be traded on exchanges for cash.


MixMarvel is a multiplayer web based game local area fueled by blockchain, which shows up in an enormous scope virtual 3D world made by worldwide players and engineers.

The MIXMARVEL stage is a main and worldwide perceived undertaking planning to make the up and coming age of games in the blockchain business being sponsored by very good quality profile financial backers.

Future Plan Of MixMarvel Team On DEHERO

MixMarvel is focused on building a worldwide blockchain-based game distributing stage that associates content makers, players, and game substance through a worth organization, empowering everybody to aggregate worth while messing around with playing.

MixMarvel’s items have been perceived by the market. MixMarvel’s lead item HyperDragons has positioned №1 on Cosmology and continually held a positioning of top 5 on Ethereum. Presently MixMarvel is accompanying another game that has normal highlights of Defi and NFT called DeHero

What is DeHero?

DeHero is a gaming platform that permits users to play intriguing card pack games and procure genuine value for it.

A mixmarvel production, DeHero is a decentralized game-finance platform on the binance smart chain with center around giving users smooth playing experience and to boost the gaming platform for gamers. DeHero platform testnet is already launched on binance smart chain.

How Can it work?

Game players acquire card packs blind boxes when they stake their Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the DeHero platform and these boxes have extravagances from tokens to NFTs that can be traded on exchanges for true value.

Users likewise mine the administration token “Saints” by collecting card packs as they mess around. The additional time you spend messing around the more Card packs you mine and the more HEROES tokens you procure.

Decentralized GameFi Application

Presently, blockchain-based games are moving in the crypto market. One of the famous blockchain-based games is Axie Endlessness, it is a NFT-based online computer game that permits clients to acquire awards for messing around.

Since this is a NFT-based online computer game, all things in this game are digitized with the NFTs convention, so clients can exchange their game resources effectively in the commercial center and acquire benefits. Very much like Axie Boundlessness, DeHero is a blockchain-based game that permits clients to play and acquire.

Notwithstanding, not at all like Axie Limitlessness, DeHero is a decentralized GameFi application dependent on Binance Savvy Chain, since it depends on BSC, DeHero can furnish clients with a decentralized GameFi application that is productive, quick, secure, and at a lower cost.

DeHero works by being a game that permits clients to marking NFT resources, can unpack NFT card packs dazzle boxes, gather NFT jobs, and do card mining with preparing systems.

What’s more, since it’s a decentralized stage, DeHero won’t meddle with the client’s play, on the opposite DeHero permits clients to partake in the administration stage with the Legends token administration.


Legends is the local currency of DeHero gaming platform and it is used to boost the platform as it tends to be traded for genuine value. It is a bep20 token, a utility token yet in addition fills in as the administration token of DeHero gaming platform as users holding HEROES can take part in key decisions regarding DeHero gaming platform.

HERO Token

To help the activity and improvement of the stage, DeHero dispatched a local token under the name Saints. Later this symbolic will fill in as an administration token. To have the option to begin utilizing the DeHero stage, clients should have Saints tokens which they can purchase on PancakeSwap.

Subsequent to having Saints tokens, they can stake tokens on DeHeroes to get a card set containing different characters with different qualities. The Saints token will likewise be utilized in the commercial center as a money for purchasing and selling computerized resources.

DeHero PLATFORM Ongoing interaction

In DeHero, players can haphazardly acquire NFT cards of legends by buying NFT dazzle box card packs, marking FT resources, and giving liquidity. Every legend has six quality levels: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and gold — positioning low to high.

The higher the rate, the higher the battle limit. The card number, quality, battle limit, and the quantity of tokens contained decide the worth of a NFT card. In the wake of getting NFT cards, players can: take an interest in card mining, figure mining methodologies as indicated by game standards, further develop mining proficiency, and get more game income.

How Can it function?

Each address that has signed in to the game will get a card set containing card spaces. After players acquire a NFT card, they can put it in the relating card opening to actuate the battle limit of the NFT card and take an interest in card mining.

Card-collectible mining is the demonstration of computing the proportion of the absolute battle limit of NFT cards to the all out battle limit of the whole worker.

The proportion of the all out battle limit of the card set to the all out battle limit of the entire worker decides the mining productivity of the player. The card opening of the comparing saint can be utilized to update the card space.

The updated card space will have a reward of battling limit. In any case, the card used to redesign the card opening will be obliterated. The Legends contained in this card will be delivered step by step inside 120 hours. The delivered Saints can be acquired in the card mining interface.


DeHero has provided game darlings the chance to acquire for doing what they love doing and their certified deduction around adapting the gaming platform is indeed a progressive idea.

